In nowadays web 2.0 world use of Lightbox is very common. While Lightbox, fancybox (similar to the former) are great scripts and have wide uses, creating a script similar to these is never a bad idea. If you learn, read on else use of one of those scripts, they’re great and easy-to-use. For those of you who haven’t heard about the script or don’t know what they do, see the following image: Chances are, you might surely have seen it somewhere or the other. These JavaScript libraries are generally used to display some content in kind of like a dialog box (modal one, for those of you who're geeks) while the rest of the content gets blackened. Looks great? Yes it does! Okay, for those of you still here I wanna confess that I didn’t put enough time knowing how those scripts actually work. I just got an idea myself the other day and thought it just might work. This is not to say that I myself have invented some new way, it’s just that I don’t know how those scripts work b
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